For the 2019 Voters Guide, we emailed town and city candidates a set of 14 questions on professional experience, local priorities and general issues. We have included those questions and the unedited responses. We have noted when candidates left questions unanswered. We have also provided links to candidate websites, campaign funding reports and other local media coverage when available.
Any questions or suggestions should be sent to:
Running against: Scott Hokonson
Website: VoteWA profile
Social media: Facebook
Other recent coverage:
Whitman County Gazette: Malden seasonal cheer said to be under scrutiny
Whitman County Gazette: Malden petition misses budget vote
Whitman County Gazette: Cross letter to the editor on petition
What is your current occupation or job title?
Community volunteer
What other memberships or affiliations would you like to list for voters?
I have no membership, affiliation, or special interest to favor over representing the citizens of Malden.
What professional accomplishment are you most proud of and why?
When I worked in accounting, I was recruited to help a residential living center at risk of closure to improve it’s procedures so that it could pass audit. Working with the staff, we identified the issues, made necessary improvements, and passed audit.
What is your vision for your community and are there any other cities that you see doing things right or would like to emulate?
My vision for the Malden Community includes moving away from hidden agenda government, engaging public participation in government decisions, improving and preserving the condition of our municipal spaces, and building an inclusive social dynamic free of hate or intimidation.
I see Pullman doing the right things as an open government planning with the citizens for future vitality. I see Palouse doing the right things making use of available resources for improvement projects, and working with citizens, local businesses and organizations to build a vital community. I see Tekoa doing the right things to invest in their youth and build family relationships.
What is your philosophy for guiding new business and housing development? What, if any, role should the council play in recruitment or restriction?
My philosophy regarding local businesses and housing development is that we have room to revive a business presence, and space enough to consider housing development while still maintaining our small town rural identity.
Council should restrict any business or housing endeavor that would exploit our resources or citizens, while paving a way for healthy businesses and suitable housing development to succeed.
What would you list as your highest priorities for local infrastructure repairs, expansions or new projects?
Replacing the master meter for the water system, repairs & improvements for Malden Community Park (addressing potential environmental hazard of Tire Mountain), repairs for the TownHall/Library/Community Center, putting Felton Memorial hall back in use according to Community and Area needs and interests. Exploring the potential for moving the Food Bank to the old town hall to allow for Library expansion.
Working with citizens, landowners, nonprofit organizations, and state agencies to address the abandoned railroad ties and dumped items beside our section of the Palouse to Cascades Trail.
What do you consider your community’s greatest housing challenge and what steps would you take to address it?
Currently, our greatest housing challenge is the hidden agenda problem. We need to have an open dialogue about housing which invites everyone to share their vision, priorities, and perspective.
Do you think your community provides adequate resources for public safety services (police and fire) and what, if anything, would you change?
I think we could benefit from developing a neighborhood watch program, and we need our Fire Dept to engage more with the Community so that residents are aware of it’s mission and services provided.
How would your rank your expectations for council/city government transparency on a scale from 1 to 5, with 1 indicating a discrete approach to governing and 5 indicating a proactively open approach?
Do you consider your community’s tax rates high or low? As a steward of taxpayer dollars, how do you approach balancing demands for city service against the citizen tax burden?
Our tax rates seem satisfactory for our community, however, with a high population of exempt citizens, currently, we can’t relay on rate increases to help meet the demands for public services. Reviving a business presence and developing housing opportunities for people who want to live in a quiet town and commute for work to Cheney or Spokane may help us increase our tax base, meeting service needs without burdening our current tax payers.
Do you support the council enacting policies to address climate change or promote environmental sustainability? If so, what steps would you take?
No, it’s too soon for policy making because we haven’t begun the public dialogue. We need to begin the public dialogue soon, starting with environmental sustainability and building up to the climate change topic. We need an open dialogue free to move quickly to policy making.
What do you think of existing local regulations on cannabis businesses and production operations?
I am unaware of any local (Malden) cannabis industry regulations.
What, if any, role do you think the council should play in promoting local arts, cultural events or tourism?
I think Council’s role is to promote all our local talents, including arts, and I feel more thoughtful and careful consideration needs to happen in regards how Felton Memorial Hall could be a space for promoting local talents. Council should continue to support our Library and Community Church in terms of the cultural events they host, as well as participating more directly in creating new or improving existing (Malden Appreciation Day) cultural events. Council should build upon existing policies for PTCT tourism.
If you could wave a magic wand and instantly change one thing about your community, what would it be and why?
My magic wave would replace the social and political hidden agenda of favoritism/animosity with an open inclusive social and political dynamic.